Alabama Temporary Tag Requirements & How To Get One
Here's everything you need to know about Alabama temporary tags: what they are, how you get them, and when you need them.

Many people have heard of temporary tags, as they typically appear when you purchase a vehicle. However, every car is different, and there are varying expectations depending on the location. Is it possible to access an Alabama temporary tag online? It can be frustrating to try to figure everything out.
It can be overwhelming to understand the Alabama temporary tag system, but there isn’t too much to it. It’s simple to know how to access and use the tags when necessary. Read on to learn more about the definition of Alabama temporary tags, how to make one your own, why they are required, and other valuable information.
What Are Alabama Temporary Tags?
Some people have used Alabama temporary tags before, but others are unfamiliar with the system. Let’s err on the side of caution and go over the definition of temporary tags and what they mean specifically in Alabama.
Temporary tags are what they sound like; tags are meant to show you may be operating a vehicle temporarily. A temporary tag proves that:
- The vehicle has met the necessary legal requirements
- The car is legal for a short while
They exist to cover a short period until it’s time for the permanent tags to arrive.
Essentially, a temporary tag shows that you have completed the proper applications and are waiting for the official registration and stickers to arrive. It will help you import a vehicle, transfer a car when moving from out of state, purchase a new or used vehicle, or drive to an inspection location.
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How Do You Get an Alabama Temporary Tag?
The process for accessing a temporary tag in Alabama can be confusing. For many car purchases in Alabama, the dealer won’t provide a tag. Instead, they’ll leave the dealer’s license on the car, and you must keep proof of purchase with you until the official tags arrive. This regulation has shifted and changed over the years.
To access an Alabama temporary tag online or in person, you must:
- Fill out the proper paperwork
- Meet the eligibility requirements
- Provide proof of ownership and identity
There are some cases where these will provide the tags.
Again, the rules will change when considering the Alabama temporary tags. You can access these temporary tags from dealerships and other authorized agencies until you can access the official registration and tags. Alabama temporary tags often aren’t an option, but they’ll let you know.
Alabama Temporary Tag Requirements
Knowing what Alabama temporary tags are for is one thing while knowing what you need to get them for yourself is another. There are several requirements you need to ensure the temporary tag belongs to you.
Typical requirements for Alabama temporary tags include the following:
- Proof of insurance
- Valid driver’s license
- Vehicle’s title
- Bill of sale
These will ensure you’re able to gain temporary tags for your machine.
You need all of these items to gain temporary tags. They will provide who you are and that you are the legal owner of a car in Alabama.
If you want to buy or sell a vehicle in the state of Alabama, there are many documents you need to keep track of to make the sale official. One of these is the Alabama vehicle bill of sale.
When Are Alabama Temporary Tags Necessary?
Temporary tags are not a necessary component on every vehicle, but there are circumstances where they are a requirement. If you live in Alabama or are planning on moving there, it’s helpful to know when it’s a must to have the temporary tags on your vehicle.
It’s a requirement to have temporary tags on your car in Alabama when:
- You purchase a new vehicle, and it isn’t registered yet
- There is no access to permanent tags immediately
These are instances where a temporary tag is necessary for your vehicle.
Of course, it’s critical to remember that you need to register your vehicle before the time limit for the registration process is up. If you fail to meet this standard, there could be penalties and even a possible revoking of your license.
Are There Any Restrictions on Alabama Temporary Tags?
We’ve mentioned the definition of temporary tags, the requirements, and when they’re necessary. Of course, there are some restrictions on these temporary tags, which vary depending on the state. Let’s dive into some of the significant ones you should understand before accessing them.
Here are a few restrictions on Alabama temporary tags:
- They may not be transferred to another owner or vehicle
- It is only valid for a specified period, up to 90 days
- There are fees of $25 per 30 days after validation
These are some significant restrictions you’ll find on Alabama temporary tags.
Restrictions typically aren’t super severe until you reach the end of the limit, and then you’re faced with potential fines and fees. Ensure you understand your limits if your vehicle has a temporary tag, and don’t pass them unless you want to incur significant penalties on your vehicle’s registration process.
If you’re looking into your next vehicle and wondering “how long should it take to buy a car?” there may not be one answer for every scenario, but we can at least narrow it down.
Alabama Temporary Tag Q&A
What is an Alabama temporary tag?
An Alabama temporary tag is a temporary registration placed on a vehicle that allows the owner to drive it on the road before it’s permanently registered. It’s meant to be a temporary item and often isn’t given out in Alabama except for in very rare circumstances.
How long is a temporary tag good for in Alabama?
A temporary tag is good for around 20 calendar days in Alabama, after which the person using the temporary tag must access a permanent one. There might be some possibility for extension in specific circumstances, but for the most part, 20 days is the hard cut-off.
How many days can you drive without a tag in Alabama?
You cannot drive a vehicle if it does not have tags. You can have temporary tags for 20 days, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have tags. If you hit the road without any tags, you could face some serious consequences.
What happens if I lose my Alabama temporary tag?
If you lose your tags or your temporary tags, you must get new ones as soon as possible. Do not drive without tags, and there is a risk someone could have done something with them.
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