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Which Years of Used Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Are Most Reliable?

in Reliability

We've rounded up 13 of the most reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited years (and which Wrangler Unlimited years to avoid) so you can make an informed decision when doing your used car shopping

Silver Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
Source: Flickr

If you’re hunting for a four-door variety of the traditional Jeep Wrangler SUV, you will find it in the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. This machine is an upgrade from the traditional system and offers several model years on the market. Those interested in the car might want to consider - what is the most reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited year?

Those searching for the best Jeep Wrangler Unlimited money can buy will love what the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited offers. There are several top-notch years on the market, but there are also some to avoid at all costs. Read on to learn more about the worst Unlimited model years, the safest to purchase, and other valuable information before spending. 

Quick Answer: Avoid Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Year Models 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, and 2022.

Unfortunately, there are several years we recommend avoiding with the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. If possible, keep away from the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, and 2022 iterations. These have unfortunate reviews from previous owners and haven’t proven themselves to be very dependable on the road. 


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Which Year Models of Jeep Wrangler Unlimited are Safe to Buy Used? 

If you want the most reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited year, several years are safe to purchase used. These have excellent reviews in dependability and have stood the test of time across several model years.

Here are the best selections for a used Jeep Wrangler Unlimited:

  • 2004 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2005 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2006 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2009 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2011 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2019 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2020 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

These are some of the top contenders for your money.

If you want to access more upgraded features in your Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, we recommend going with the newer years, such as the 2019 or 2020 iterations. If you want to save money and don’t care about the newest technology, you can go through the 2004 or 2005 selections. 

Which Year Models of Jeep Wrangler Unlimited to Avoid?

You now know the versions of the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited we recommend investing in for your driveway. Now, it’s time to talk about the other side of the coin - some of the worst iterations of the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited.

If possible, avoid the following years in your selection process:

  • 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2016 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
  • 2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

Luckily, there are far fewer problematic years than valuable selections.

Each year comes with its issues and reported problems from customers, ranging from driving ability to troubles with the engine. We advise keeping away from the oldest unreliable selections if you’re determined to purchase one of these years for yourself. 


Before purchasing a car, you might want to ask yourself - what are the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited years to avoid?

Common Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Problems

Even if you have the most ideal Jeep Wrangler Unlimited model in the world, there are still common issues the vehicle is likely to encounter. The more familiar you are with these troubles, the simpler it will be to care for your model, whether that means the worst or the best selections available.

According to, common issues with the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited include the following:

  • Water leaking from the sides
  • Recall on the ignition switch
  • Failure of throttle position sensor
  • Loose and worn suspension system

These are faulty spots that can be a pain to handle.

If you notice an unfortunate area of the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, take the car to someone who knows what they are doing as soon as possible to prevent anything from shifting out of control. Note that these are most common in the least dependable versions of the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited.

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Problem Counts by Year

The best place to get information when looking at the best and worst versions of the Wrangler Unlimited for dependability is the number of issues by year. Those with experience with a particular model year report faults over the years, clarifying which versions are the best and worst.

Unfortunately, there isn’t enough information on the Unlimited to determine the number of faults by year. However, less dependable selections likely have more than highly dependable options. 

How much does a new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited typically cost?

When looking at the most reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited year, another helpful consideration is the price point. The cost of a brand-new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited today hits a starting price point of $79,595.

How much does a used Jeep Wrangler Unlimited typically cost?

Maybe you can’t afford a new version of the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, so you decide to invest in a used selection. In that case, the price range for the vehicle will go from $10,000-$34,000.

Is It Worth It to Buy a Used Jeep Wrangler Unlimited?

We’ve talked about the most reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited year. Now, there’s one final consideration - is this car worth your money?

Unfortunately, the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited isn’t worth the investment. Even the used versions are expensive, and the dependability isn’t excellent enough to warrant the high price point. 


The Jeep Wrangler delivers a unique combination of open-air freedom and off-road capability. With this in mind, let’s find the answer to the question, “do Jeep Wranglers hold their value?”

FAQs: Most Reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Years

Several years stand out for their dependability. We recommend the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019, and 2020 selections. 

Q: What common issues should I be aware of in the less reliable Jeep Wrangler Unlimited years?

There are a couple of common issues you could face. Look for a loose suspension system, water leaking, and failure in the ignition switch. Update recalled items. 

Q: Can I trust the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited models from the early 2000s?

You can trust the models from the early 2000s. All the earliest selections fall on our list of dependable choices.

Q: Is the 2020 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited model reliable?

Yes, it’s reliable. The 2020 selection is the last on our list.

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