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Which Years Of Used Volvo V90 Cross Countrys Are Most Reliable?

in Reliability

We've identified four of the most reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country years. See which ones (and which years to avoid) to make a smart preowned vehicle decision.

Silver Volvo V90 Cross Country
Source: Flickr

The Volvo V90 Cross Country is a version of the mid-size luxury wagon that is the V90, designed for driving off the grid. It offers a sleek design and features like a high ground clearance for excellent performance. However, no two years are created equal. If you want the best, you must know the most reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country year.

If you want to learn more about the most dependable versions of the Volvo V90 Cross Country, you’re in the right place. Many forget about reliability when picking their vehicle, but it will influence the cost and time spent on maintenance. Read on to learn about which years to avoid, which are reliable, and other information. 

Quick Answer: Avoid Volvo V90 Cross Country Year Models 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023.

We’re searching for the most dependable selection for the Volvo V90 Cross Country, but it’s vital to understand the worst, too. We advise avoiding the Volvo V90 Cross Country selections from 2017, 2021, and 2023 if you want to get the most out of your money. They have the lowest reviews for dependability and have worked to become better.


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Which Year Models of Volvo V90 Cross Country are Most Reliable? 

Unfortunately, there are some selections to avoid when investing in the Volvo V90 Cross Country. Now that we’ve mentioned the worst of these selections, it’s time to consider the most reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country year for your driveway.

If you want the best choice for a Volvo V90 Cross Country, we recommend the following:

  • 2018 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2020 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2022 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2024 Volvo V90 Cross Country

These provide the best experience.

When compared to the worst years of the Volvo V90 Cross Country, these are at the top of their game. It’s best to go with some newer options if you want the best with your Volvo V90 Cross Country. 

Which Year Models of Volvo V90 Cross Country Are Least Reliable?

We talked about some of the best selections from the Volvo V90 Cross Country. Unfortunately, it’s also vital to go over the worst for your investment benefit.

The worst choices for the Volvo V90 Cross Country include the following:

  • 2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2019 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2021 Volvo V90 Cross Country
  • 2023 Volvo V90 Cross Country

They have the worst time on the road.

There isn’t too much information yet about complaints surrounding the Volvo V90 Cross Country. However, out of all of them, we’d recommend especially refraining from the 2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country. It tends to be ideal to keep away from the first iteration of a machine.


It’s been around since 2016, but that leaves nearly a decade of selections to choose from. It’s valuable to consider some of the significant Volvo V90 Cross Country years to avoid.

Common Volvo V90 Cross Country Problems

When examining the most reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country year, it’s helpful to check out some common issues in the Volvo V90. Knowing these will help you make the best choice in your Volvo V90’s ownership.

According to, here are some common issues with the Volvo V90:

  • Knocking on the front end of the car
  • Air pump check valve failure
  • Vibration from rear brake rotors
  • Leaking from the AC evaporator

These can harm the longevity of your Volvo V90.

If you notice an issue with your Volvo V90, take it in for repairs as soon as possible. The sooner you act, the longer you’ll own it.

Is the Volvo V90 Cross Country Expensive to Maintain?

Maintenance cost is another valuable consideration. The more maintenance costs, the more expensive ownership will be. Also, high maintenance is often associated with lower dependability. 

There is limited information about the cost of maintenance on the Volvo V90 Cross Country. However, by estimating the cost through the above-average price of maintenance in other Volvo selections, we can assume it will cost slightly more than average to keep the Volvo V90 Cross Country in excellent condition. 

Is It Worth It to Buy a Used Volvo V90 Cross Country?

We’ve located the most reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country year and some of the worst selections you could purchase. Now, it’s time to ask one final question - is it worth it to purchase a used Volvo V90 Cross Country?

If you want a dependable and luxurious vehicle, the Volvo V90 Cross Country offers ample selections that will be worth it to those who can afford them. However, it’s vital to note that the Volvo V90 Cross Country isn’t cheap.

How Much Does a Volvo V90 Cross Country Typically Cost?

The price point is another consideration in an investment. After all, you can’t keep up with maintenance necessary for dependability if you can’t afford it. 

The starting price for the 2024 Volvo V90 Cross Country is $59,800. If you would prefer to opt for a used variety, you can expect a price point of $20,000-$40,000. It’s up there in price. 


Luxury cars are some of the most fantastic rides with top-tier performance, comfort, and amenities. But what about in the case of Volvo? Are Volvos expensive to maintain?

How Long Does a Volvo V90 Cross Country Engine Last?

Unless you invest in an electric vehicle, the engine is necessary for the car’s system. Let’s learn how long you can expect your Volvo V90 Cross Country Engine to survive in the machine.

A typical engine in a Volvo V90 Cross Country will last twenty years with excellent care. That means at least 200,000 miles from the system.

FAQs: Most Reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country Years

You have ample choices when considering the Volvo V90 Cross Country. We recommend the 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024 selections for the best results. 

Q: What common issues should I be aware of in the less reliable Volvo V90 Cross Country years?

There is limited information about the issues with the Cross Country. However, we recommend keeping an eye out for leaks and an ear out for strange noises. 

Q: Can I trust the Volvo V90 Cross Country models from the early years?

We recommend staying away from the very first iterations of the Volvo V90 Cross Country. However, if you decide to go with the 2018 version, you will be okay. 

Q: Is the 2020 Volvo V90 Cross Country model reliable?

The 2020 Volvo V90 Cross Country is one of the most dependable choices. It’s a safe selection for your driveway.

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